Customized Enhancements
The authenton#1-CTAP2.1 PLUS offers customized extensions
The authenton#1 combines the highly secure identification and authentication technologies from government solutions and secure transactions:
a.) The most secure BSI Common Criteria 6+ certified secure element "Made in Germany", and
b.) The security operating system: JavaCard-OS 3.0.5 / GlobalPlatform 2.3.1! - "Made in EU"
This combination enjoys the highest trust and already forms the secure platform for millions of security-critical applications worldwide, such as billions of SIM cards, millions of National Identity Cards (eIDs), millions of ICAO-compliant Biometric Passports, millions of Payment Cards like Mastercard and Visa, and many Security Certified Signature Cards, Health Cards and many more secure use cases...
This certified security combination allows the authenton#1 to be custom-equipped with additional security-critical applications - in addition to its FIDO CTAP 2.1. functionality!
Examples of additional, customized solutions are:
1.) Secure physical access (contactless / NFC-based) Access to the hotel room, university library, garage, etc.
2.) Digital time tracking (contactless / NFC-based)
3.) Cashless payment (Canteen, coffee machines, etc.)
...and many more...
authenton's offer for additional, security-critical supplementary applications includes the high end transaction & identification solutions from LEGIC-Advance and HID-SEOS!