The main activity of authenton GmbH (hereinafter referred to as authenton) is the development, delivery and sale of FIDO CTAP 2.1-compliant password and authentication tokens.
We take the confidentiality of personal data seriously. Our privacy policy applies to authenton and its websites. We are based in Dornach near Munich, Germany.
Authenton's privacy policy sets out how authenton processes personal data. This privacy policy applies only to personal data collected by authenton through the authenton websites. This privacy policy does not apply to personal data provided to authenton in other ways. All personal data collected by authenton will be used in accordance with data protection regulations.
The authenton websites comply with the principles of the 1998 Data Protection Act.
For security-related questions, please contact authenton at: Datenschutz(at)
Authenton will use the information you provide on this website along with other information for administrative and marketing purposes. We may keep your information for a reasonable period of time to contact you regarding our services. We also use cookies, software that profiles your use of this website.
Data collection and purpose
Each time you visit the authenton websites, a so-called "cookie" is downloaded to your computer. Many websites do this because cookies do not provide personally identifiable statistical information about what people do on our website. We may use this data to improve the services on our website and refine the user experience.
Transmission of personal data
Authenton will only use your data for the purposes for which you have given us your consent. If you provide personal data to authenton, we are legally obligated to explain how we handle that data. We must collect the information fairly. This means we must explain how we use it and tell you whether we intend to pass the information on to others. In general, all information you provide to AIXecutive will only be used within authenton for marketing purposes and customer management. They will never be passed on to third parties outside the company without your prior consent, unless we are legally obligated to disclose them.
Confidentiality and security
Authenton stores your personal data in accordance with the security provisions of data protection laws. The nature of our business does not require secure transmission methods, as we do not handle sensitive personal data (e.g. financial transactions) on our website. We have implemented security policies, rules, and technical measures to protect the personal data we control from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All our employees and data processors who have access to personal data and are involved in the processing of personal data are required to respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal data. We assure you that your personal data will not be disclosed to state institutions and authorities unless required by law or otherwise.
Access to personal data
...we may have stored about you You have the right to request a copy of the personal data that has stored about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected.
Please direct requests to:
Data Management Department
authenton GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 4
D-85609 Dornach b. Munich
We will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data we hold about you within one week - although we may require proof of your identity beforehand. We provide the information free of charge. We allow you to challenge the data we hold about you and, where appropriate, have the data: erased corrected or amended completed
Children's privacy
The nature of our business is such that we are not interested in collecting data from children. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children. We do not take special measures to protect the privacy of children
If we become aware that a minor has provided us with data, we will delete it from our system.
What is a cookie?
For more information about cookies, please visit Wikipedia. authenton is not responsible for the content of external websites.